When it comes to preparation of formal statistical report, we never use to write and read it. Writing plays an important role in daily life. People stuck at idea generation process and unable to proceed with their work.
I will give some tips and tricks for writing, which will help to become more productive in life. When you write particular report on statistical chart . Divide the graph into four paragraphs. In first paragraph explain, what does the chart illustrates about. This paragraph should be small and mention the title of graph with starting and ending years. In the next paragraph write down the overview of the diagram. Here you should mention trends of graph. For instance, the given data rate is increasing or decreasing, fluctuations is there and so on. In third paragraph take two features of graph and compare with other one and highlight the maximum or minimum value. At the end of the paragraph take another two features and compare it and write down appropriate figures which looks easy for reading and understanding.
Different types of graphs have their own vocabulary. So before writing any kind of report check out the words which you are mentioning and rectify it. Follow the complex structures for writing formal report. Use comparative language which makes easier for reader.
Always remember you should split the complete chart into four paragraphs, which looks easy for understanding. Never write conclusion in your report it gives bad impression and wrong way of writing.